Breach of CPN – Warning – Reference 27767 Lorenzo Divattimo, ASB Team, DMBC. Lorenzo, I am very disappointed regarding the latest communication, received today, 29th August; I have been asking ASB to respond after your last visit to my premises, and regarding the Council's involvement in Sarah's Stitch-Up, with no engagement. 1) Today's letter references an incident on 10th August 2023, circa 1615, in Chapel Street DY9; it is not the case that I said I would "cause harm to [Superdry's] dog by shooting it should [I] see it again" - I do not have the appropriate weaponry! It is also a matter of record that I would very much like to shoot any person walking a dog, in public; however, a change in the law is first required!  2) It is not the case that I represented an imminent threat to 'Superdry' (logo on hat) or 'is dog, so he is not entitled to assault, causing, at least, actual bodily harm - the scars and bruising are still present, on both legs, and full feeling has not returned to the toes of my left foot; WiMP are still investigating the matter, though I'm a little pessimistic regarding the outcome as, recently revealed, the Neighbourhood Sergeant is yet another doggie, whose pet is also toileted in public! 3) Duds' approach is vindictive; dogs should not be toileted in public and Superdry should, in the meantime, certainly 'pick-up', which 'e does not, and should keep both 'is dogs on leads hereabouts (according to at least one Police Officer with whom I've had communication); ASBie's refusal to engage regarding ASB 19914 is further evidence of its inequitable approach - note that I once more encountered excrement outside Frothy's apartment (157) during a litterpick quite recently and that an image is available. Which of the Council's numerous doggies is pulling your strings? DA